Christmas Giveaway 2005 – Winners

Here they are, the winners of Our Christmas Giveaway 2005.

1 Jingle Resing from N2Effect
Winner: Ted Tatman

2 Studio Tour of Wise Buddah in London
Winner: John Harding

3 Reelworld Shout
Winner: Paul Bland

4 Reelworld T-Shirt
Winner: Tom Van der Biest
Winner: Chris Turner

5 Wise Buddah Demo CD’s & Pens
Winner: Ken David
Winner: Robert Pobjoy
Winner: mark yates
Winner: Dave Cowell
Winner: Nicky Schiller
Winner: John Stringer
Winner: Joel Roberts
Winner: Eduardo B. Alcoy
Winner: Gareth Rose
Winner: Dave Nightingale

6 Reelworld Demo CD’s
Winner: Shaun Openshaw
Winner: Kelly Sapergia
Winner: Jeremy Richardson
Winner: rob charles
Winner: James Ison
Winner: Dave Smith
Winner: Mark Philpot
Winner: James Gordon

7 N2Effect Demo CD’s
Winner: Andy Hessey
Winner: Paul O’Connell
Winner: Rich Bulger
Winner: Simon Trevallion
Winner: jamie B
Winner: Jonathan Jacob
Winner: Simon Byford
Winner: Charles Darwin Campusano
Winner: Stuart Barrett
Winner: Ricky Hermawan
Winner: jason cox
Winner: Brandon Robinson
Winner: Ronald Turner
Winner: Matt Huha

8 IQBeats Demo CD’s
Winner: Martin Simm
Winner: Doug Hope
Winner: Rob van Velsen
Winner: renel dimacali
Winner: Mark Tansey
Winner: Adrian Brookbank

9 Wise Buddah Demo CD’s
Winner: Don Wilson
Winner: Gavin Harris
Winner: Michael Bolton

10 Top Format 30 Years Young and Dynamic
Winner: Al Jackson
Winner: Jeremy Vaden
Winner: Rob McCaffery
Winner: Cory Knight
Winner: Neal Bowden

11 Top Format LP Created for NAB 2005
Winner: Grant Gorath
Winner: Gabriel Passajou
Winner: Phil Houltby
Winner: Orry Verducci
Winner: Brian Davis

Well done to everyone who won and thanks to all those 156 people who entered for making it a success. We’ll definately have more giveaways in 2006!

13 Responses

  1. Thanks so much Paul McGrath! for conducting this contest! I was so excited to get the notice and having won! Looking forward the the Spring 2005 N2EFFECT CD! Merry Christmas to you and all the staff at JINGLENEWS.COM for making this Christmas special! Cody “the codeman” Merryman

  2. Bah! That Comp was SO Fixed!

    So many of the winners are regular posters and some are radio presenters, what about giving the not so regualar posters a go? Such as myself?

    Your certainly getting no more contributions from me mate

  3. Gabriel Passajou says:

    I won! I won! 😉

    Thank you, Paul!

  4. Paul McGrath says:

    Excuse me ‘A london based collector’ but the winners were all electronically selected. I had no part in picking who won what… all I did was press a button to spit out a winner for me.

  5. I won, thanks. As for being fixed, I am only a new regular and I still managed to grab something. Anyways, thanks again! 🙂

  6. Jonno says:

    I won something too and despite being a member on Jinglemad for 2 years- I’ve only posted 30 times so hardly one of the ‘elite’ regular posters and I don’t know Paul from Adam! So I don’t believe there was any fixing going on.

    Thanks Paul for going to the time and trouble to arrange such a great give-away. Its not often people will go to the trouble to do something for the enjoyment of others with little or no reward to themselves.

    Happy Christmas one and all


  7. Martin Lester says:

    Just a note to thank paul for running the competition

    PS To the london based collector -Get a Life !

  8. Jason Cox says:

    I Won 1st time in my life I won something, And only a member for less than a week and NO posts, Thanks loads..

  9. Geoff Barton says:

    Great work, Paul – and thanks for running it (from someone who didn’t win anything but appreciates the time you put into putting the whole thing together!)


  10. Robert Pobjoy says:

    I won something too! 😀

    Any ideas when they are on their way? I’m soooo eager 😛

  11. Robert Pobjoy says:

    Still Any Idea?

    Not recieved anything 🙁

    It’s ageeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssss as well!

  12. eduard says:

    Not recieved anything
    It’s ageeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssss as well!

  13. admin says:

    Everything was sent out in February 2005. If you didn’t get anything it has gotten lost in the post. Maybe it’ll arrive in a few years!!

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