BFBS Radio 2008, from Wise Buddah

After Wise Buddah’s package for BFBS Radio 2 last year, BFBS Radio approached Buddah to create a complete new package for them. The new package comprises of 15 main IDs with a multitude of versions and elements.

“BFBS Radio’s reputation as a station that believes in strong and distinctive imaging elements should be in safe hands as we launch our new package, custom built by Wise Buddah.

Our broad playlist and eclectic mix of programme content call for a package with varied textures ,and after our massively successful DAB trial in the UK in early 2008 when audiences revelled in our unique and wide ranging sound, we knew that the new imaging cuts needed the creative input of a production house with a strong and flexible talent pool.

Wise Buddah’s response to our brief for 15 cuts covering numerous playlist genres was to hit the nail on the head first time with much of the package and to respond extremely quickly to our suggestions. An impressive response in my experience. BFBS Radio reflects UK industry practice to a British audience based overseas and Wise Buddah understood both our remit and our brief to deliver what I believe will be, without doubt, the stand-out CHR package of 2008. – Andrew Wright, Imaging Producer and Project Co-Ordinator.”

BFBS Radio 2008 | 3:15 – 7.44MB

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3 Responses

  1. RadioJingles says:

    These are great cuts, kudos to Wise Buddah. I think there are some cuts that sounded like ReelWorld’s Hallam FM jingles. In fact, i think the logo is patterned after the said station. anyway, great jingles again.

  2. Paul says:

    The ReelWorld Hallam FM package was originally created as a custom for BFBS.

  3. Andrew Wright says:

    Paul is of course right about the Hallam package being a custom for us back in 2005. I think that the similarity mentioned between the 2 packages lies in the fact that I used the same unique briefing process for both packages and Wise Buddah were quick to tune into our needs. Both package are incrediby ecelectic for a CHR package, which is essential for a station with as large a playlist, both in terms of numbers and style, as BFBS Radio does. Thanks again to Wise Buddah for a superb job.

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