JingleNews.com Summer Giveaway 2008

Here are some more details on the competition that will be running here over July and August at JingleNews.

Some prizes confirmed so far.. for collections/individuals:

Jones TM
A free personal cut for non-broadcast usage from either Kingdom FM, New England’s Best Country or Greatest Hits 08. Those packages cover all the regular Jones TM vocal groups.

LITEhouse Studios
A free personal cut of any of their themes for non-broadcast usage.

Copies of their latest showreels and their new mousemats.

I have been given 5 copies of their new showreel to give away.

Music & Images
Music & Images have kindly provided two 2GB memory sticks packed with package from IQBeats and N2Effect.

Jingles Factory
From Jingles Factory, we have free liners from Bob Taylor, JF tshirts and a personal cut from one of their summer jingle packages

And for legal radio stations/web radio:

Pure Tonic Media
One lucky station will get 50% off any full sung package from Pure Tonic.

S2blue are giving us two great prizes – 15% off a resung packages for a UK station and 25% off for a UK sung custom.

Jingles Factory
Jingles Factoy are giving one 30% discount and one 50% discount on any resung jingle package. And if you’re in the market for summer jingles, we’ve got a free summer jingle package to give away or you could get 50% discount off on their summer package.

There are still more companies to confirm prizes. Check back soon for more details on the JingleNews.com Summer Giveaway!

4 Responses

  1. Gareth says:

    Wow, great prizes. Can’t ’till next month

  2. Hi. I read a few of your other posts and wanted to know if you would be interested in exchanging

  1. July 1, 2008

    […] part of our Summer Giveaway 2008, Wise Buddah have given us a fantastic prize. One lucky winner will get the chance to create […]

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