Free Voiceovers for Radio Stations

Deep, full, “movie trailer-ish”, these are the kind of imaging voice that are sought after these days, be it on TV, FM and web radio. While it can be expensive to go for this type of voice, fortunately, you can get professional imaging right within your reach.

Scott Lanter has been doing this for 25 years and he is still at it. His clients agree on two words, perfect and professional. Whether you want it deep and dark or warm and fuzzy, Scott delivers!

Scott is also one of those few voice professionals who are really into their commitment of helping the industry, by providing cost-effective and budget friendly service to independent radio stations.

Enjoy the free imaging sweepers by Scott and you can also have them customized. Log on to

Download here to download Free Imaging Sweepers

Listen to Scott Lanter Demo below

54 Responses

  1. Dj-admin says:

    Thanks So much For my voiceover Scott 🙂 its So Professional 🙂

    • Danielle says:

      Hi, I was wondering if your voice over offer was still available? I am making a series of podcasts for a campaign Project Negative, to be broadcast via the website


  2. MIGY says:

    Tnx Scott. You’ve done a really good job.

  3. dj andy p says:

    hi scott

    i run a dance radio station on the internet was wondering if u could do me a cool intro please saying –

    welcome to bounce factor radio with your host dj andy p and resident dj’s dj kay t and dj riksta, were tonight we gonna play you some of the best in oldskool, scouse house and donk, so sit back and enjoy the show…bounce factor radio, were people love to bounce…

    if you could do this like your demo on your homepage i would be more than grateful and in return if you want to send me an advert about yourself i will play it on air evrytime i do my show which now is getting between 100 – 250 listners each time

    thank you

    Dj Andy P

  4. Dj showoff says:

    Hi scott im doing a mixtape and i wanted to kno if you can do a kewl voice over with my name in it DJ SHOWOFF plzz and thanks..

  5. Daniel Tennick says:

    Hi there, im Daniel, and im wanting to know if you would voice my new show intro, if you could i would really appreciate it.
    Im ater it been voiced in a theatrical Trailer sounding way.

    Here is the Liner,

    Its 10 o Clock, all is quiet, Until Now, The Big Turn Around Has Landed. Welcome To Daniel Tennick’s Big Turnaround. This Is Daniel Tennick.

    Thanks Very Much for your Time and Effort on the matter, Look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Kindest Regards

  6. sean says:

    i was wondering if you could say…

    you are listing to seano’s favorites on friday with sean every friday from 5 to 7

    thank you

  7. Wonderful sounding samples which I shared with our forum participants over my sites, / which specialize in legal low power license-free broadcasting under FCC regulations. It’s folks like Scott that afford these small school and hobbyist-operated stations the opportunity to sound as good as professional stations. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Slash International says:

    Hey, i am in dire need on a dj voice over for….Dj Levy…thnk u….p.s i luv ur work

  9. hello says:

    please i need this line Dry in many ways:

    The Sound OF Music .. 1O6.9 .. 1O6.5 Mega hertz FM .. Sound of music ..

    thanks in advance.

  10. I was wondering if I could get these cut

    “Your Moving To The Rhythm With Scott Avery.” FX no music

    “Everybody dance now……Scott Avery is in the MIx” FX no music

    Also maybe just a 15 or 30 sec or whatever
    “Check us out at moving to the Scott Avery Entertainment is now on the web. Serving the Florida Parishes and beyond. Online @ moving to the”

    Just go all out with this last one work your magic

    Many Thanks, Much Love
    Scott Avery Rigdon

  11. Dj Kevlarr says:

    Thank you.

  12. hello, i am currently opening a radio station named love original please could you do a mix to open shows saying: love music, love original. When its done could you send it to me at
    many thanks Danny Mitchell|Love Original (owner).

  13. Michael Sacro says:

    Hello can you do a dry station liner for me Sir Scott?

    jack Fm now playing here there and everywhere!
    number 1 in benguet-(beng get) jack Fm

    Thanks in advance and
    More power!

  14. Hey, i just came here after a quick google search. Nice website you have here! Keep it up!

  15. m.k. says:

    hi, i was wondering if you still make jingles?

    could you make 2 jingles for me ?

    the first one is :
    your listening to max radio!

    and second one just:
    max radio!


  16. Djordi says:

    hi, can you do me a small voice over saying: “This is DJordi Discos

  17. admedia says:

    jingle radio kiss fm 95.25&87.6 MHz

    Voiceovers for Radio Stations

  18. Richie Kingsbury says:

    hi, i was wondering if you still make jingles?

    could you make 2 jingles for me ?

    1….Richie Kingsbury’s Funky Five The Five Biggest Tunes Bursting Out Of Richie’s Box…

    2…This Weeks Number 5 This weeks Number 4 This Weeks Number 3
    This Weeks number 2 This weeks numero uno number 1 ……

    Thanks Mate RK

  19. John Irwin says:

    We are holding 2 events in August at the pub where I work as DJ so I’m going to make up a couple of ads for the MP3 player behind the bar – so if anyone can do both thats great, or either one will suffice.

    Dry (as I will produce) Male or Female and any accent.

    Saturday 14th August at The Prospect its an event not to be missed, Bar BQ, 2 bouncy castles, stalls, tombola, fun, games and prizes and much much more. Everyone, Families and Children welcome from 1 til 6pm

    Please drink responsibly and children are welcome until 7 PM.

    Sunday 29th August and its Fancy Dress time once again at The Prospect, where its back to the 80’s from 2 til 7 PM with nothing but the best of 80’s Hits on the Disco and Karaoke. So pull on those neon tops and burst out the shoulder pads and party on down at The Prospect

    Please drink responsibly and children are welcome until 8 PM

    Many thanks in advance if this can be done.


  20. I work on stage and it would be awesome if i could get a jingle saying “Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls please welcome to the stage, Wesley Woodcock”


  21. Hello, I’m New Here… I saw and listened the demos, it sounds really pro, i was wondering if you could help me with my online Podcast, i just wan’t an intro, something like:

    Welcome to TranceWorld Tunes. With Your Host Andres Machado, or something like that (Some Echo or Chorus Effects).. Or i don’t know, use your creativity, the podcast it’s made of Trance Music, so listen to A State Of Trance, or Trance Around The World, maybe Corsten’s Countdown, or anything, so you can have an idea of it. I Will post soon the 1st official episode, i already record the mixes and all, i just need a voiceover for the intro and maybe for closing, Please Help me. Thank you for reading this comment, i’ll wait you Answer in my Mail.

  22. dj kay mill says:

    hey scott i’m doing a mixtape and want to know if you can do the voice over for me.( your listening to back to back hit’s by dj kay mill in the mix ) please….

  23. Bella says:

    Hi guys – I have never used Scott before – but after reading this I will do. I have a little coffe shop in the UK and I do like to advertise on our local radio – for this purpose I have always used Mike – Music Radio Creative – guy is very good at what he does if you like British accent.

  24. jojo says:

    hi.. i wonder if you could help me with radio promo by saying this:
    “welcome back to 105 pro 2fm your information and news channel”
    “Palu English Chat every Tuesday afternoon from 16:00 to 17:45 PM”
    “you’re listeining to 105 pro2 fm Palu”

    Thanks in advance


    email me here:

  25. Ron says:

    Hi Scott , very thanks for your voice over it sound,s great on our radio station in the netherland,s ,your voice is so ……..very good thank you Ron ,

  26. Andrew says:

    Hi could you do me two jingles please saying

    ( your listening to Andrew Channing on 102.6fm Boundarysound)

    ( DJ-AC Discos playing more music variety)

    Many Thanks


  27. paul hodges says:

    First of all thank you. I would like to request a dj drop something to the effect of… Deep male voice.
    “You’re listening to another Foul(Stutter fx) Mouth South exclusive (Exlusive sututtered and the whole mouth south exclusive portion lowering in pitch)”. “Southeastern Oklahoma’s leader in underground mixtape radio” following immediately after. I envisioned maybe some sharp sweeps and maybe an exploshion at the end, but feel free to use your imagination as i trust in your judgement. Thank you again!

  28. neil says:

    Can you email prices for voice work??

    Many thanks

  29. Luke Barnes says:

    Hey wondering if you could say ‘your tuned in to somer valley 97.5FM or online at if you want to get in contact with us please ring 01761 411755 or text SV+ your message to 81400′ thanks

  30. Hi can you do me some jingles saying:
    “Z100 102.9FM”
    “Z100. The BEST music mix”
    “Z100. Nineties, noughties, now. And the occasional belter from the 80s”
    “New music on Z100”
    “Z100. The best of then, the best of now”
    “In the mix on Z100”


  31. Dandre says:

    Hi Scott, if I may ask are you able to do some jingles fo me, I will donate for your work.
    can they say

    “eRadio, Music That Matters”
    “Your Listining to eRadio, Non-Stop Entertainment”
    “eRadio, the hottest tracks from the best artist”
    “eRadio, the real way to experience internet radio”
    “Your listening to eRadio, Music that Matters”

    I will Donate accordingly. you can send your paypal email and the jingles to

    Much thanks in advance

  32. Kidd says:

    Hi , Scott

    Your drops are AMAZING and wanted to know if you can do a couple of them for me for my internet radio station. Will give you MAX+ rep

    1) . (DRY VO )Your listening to dj kidd new orleans #1 mixologist on

    2). Shutting it down on the 1’s & 2’s its dj kidd live in ya box on

    & last 3). Turn it up and break the knob off its the weekend mixshow with dj kidd live in ya box on

    Thanks Soooooo Much 🙂

  33. tony says:

    hi scott, great voice.
    maybe you can do 2 voice-overs for fantasy radio.
    1 welcome…this is the fantasy italo hot summer 50

    2 the station were the sun always shines, fantasy radio the sunshine station.

  34. dj hd says:

    how can i get a free voice over or a drop for my station…??

  35. RJ says:

    I would love to have a free voice over from you guys. It would make a great difference to my show time to ad in a different kind of voice on air.
    Here is the script:

    “You are listening to RJ Azaadeh Ali – Your new favourite RJ exclusively on, Paksitan’s premium web radio station. Please stay with us and we will be right back after this song!”

    Thanks a lot!
    Azaadeh Ali

  36. Hi, I was hoping to get a voiceover. However, I understand if your not able to provide it for free but if you can I promise I will make it up to you. The script is below in quotations.

    “Coming to you Live from Sports Prodigy Network studios in Boston, IT’s The Sports Prodigy Show hosted by Chris McCarthy, powered by your final sports destination”

  37. stu says:

    hey just wondering if you could do me a voice over saying dj brenny friday night passion live on 7pm till late

  38. Hi Scott,
    Is your offer of a free jingle / intro still on-going?
    Have just started my own show and would love one. Something along the lines of ‘You’re listening to Alistair Pirie on Knot FM, Turn it up or get knotted’
    Would really appreciate it and feel free to use any artistic licence you feel would be appropriate.
    may thanks

  39. Carter says:

    Hello, I’m creating a dance and alternative internet radio station and was wondering if you could create a voice over for the show

    “Welcome to Beam FM, playing what you want, when you want it” (please feel free to add effects and mix it up)

    I am fully aware that this has been written much later than any other replies but I still hope you will create a voice over for me.

  40. Neculcea says:


    Please, create me a jingle with “DJ Neculcea” “Live Dj Mix Neculcea” to put on my sets bpm, mix, remix, etc..

    I love how you jingle and I wish you’ll have one soon, when you have time send e-mail

    And if I can help you in gratitude to tell me!

    I bow, respect

  41. Benedict says:

    hello 🙂 please create me a radio sweeper

    Script : 3-2-1 streaming worldwide .. playing today’s hits. Mellow 104.7

    -Thank you-

  42. rojai grant says:

    right now you tune into dj future

  43. Hello thank you for your help. I was wondering could you do a voiceover for my new radio/podcast show saying :…Tired of the stale jokes…same song on the radio …well WE have you covered That Highland Park NATIVE d.j. wen jay is about to take you into the GET DOWN ROOM FIX YOUR FACE here he issssss!!!!

  44. Hi, i was wondering if your voice over offer was still available, I’m a Dj in jamaica and i want my booking info done for my new mixtape

  45. corey gordon says:


  46. David Alan says:

    I was wondering if I can find a voiceover talent that would be willing to work out some trade.

    What I am looking for is someone to do some dry or produced liners for a internet radio show and in trade I will promote you or your company through out the show.

    We have done this show for 2 seasons about to do the 3rd season and its totally going to be revamped.
    The show is called
    David Alan & Liz Stone: UNLEASHED!
    the website is. http://www.blogtalkr…om/getunleashed
    Email me for details on what we can do together.
    You will be the voice of UNLEASHED!

    Thanks for reading!

  47. please we are starting up soon we need free voice overs for the brand radio news, nonstop music and personal paid announcements on the radio thank you for your anticipated support.

  48. Gus Greig says:

    can you make a radio jingel plz dancezone4u radio live with deejay gus greig

  49. Jim Walton says:

    you still doing free jingles?

  50. Godwin says:

    pls am a 17yr old boy and i need someone to record a jingle for me
    and my name os DJ OBEY

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