Groove Addicts Becomes Groove Worx

Scoop by David Hemsley of Jingle Network:

“Up until last week we were known as Groove Addicts. A jingle and production music company operating for the last 15 years in Los Angeles, CA. Our jingles can be heard in every major market across the US and Internationally as well. Some of our biggest clients include, KIIS- LA, Capital FM- London, CHUM- Toronto, Z100- NY, Y100 Miami. We work with some of the biggest named composers in the business who write music with or for the elite artists of the music industry. In addition to our jingles, we also offer some of the best imaging services that are available on the market today. We represent a massive production music library that is utilized by radio stations across the globe as well as tv stations and major film scores. To take a look at some the things we do including a FANTASTIC jingle demo for our client OE3 in Austria, follow the links below” — Groove Addicts

Jingle Demo Download Here


Radio Imaging services:

Production music library:

2 Responses

  1. Showwwwwwww
    muito massa o video, foi de arrepiar
    que lindo do estúdio, vocês estão de parabéns!!!
    Deyvid Oliveira do Brazil
    the Best!!!1

  2. Erminia Fitzhenry says:

    Excellent post! I found this to be very informative and I thought you made a lot of good points.

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