Summertime Feels Q

Brandy is happy to give the summer a kickstart on Q-Music with “Summertime Feels Q”.

A custom package of 10 sunny cuts and a smashing top of hour. It’s all there: snappy vocals, catchy melodies and chart-topping grooves. A perfect match with the current chart hits from core HotAC/CHR artists.

As one of the Q-DJs stated:

“That unique, magical moment when you’re hearing the new jingles… You should feel it! Goosebumps!”

As the icing on the cake, Brandy produced a batch of burning singsweeps using GAP STUFF, the newest and hottest sound FX library on the block. Discover here how it all sound on-air or listen to the cuts in the clear on the BRANDY website:

Summertime Feels Q

1 Response

  1. Jason DC says:

    Waauw. Sounds good.
    Nice work from the Brandy boys (and girls?).

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