10 Years Old – Happy Birthday To Us!

In January 2005 JingleNews.com was born. The site was initially going to be a repository for current jingle montages and station imaging. Updates were slow and far between but there was enough interest from jingle enthusiasts, and jingle companies, for a site bringing together jingle news from companies all around the world that the site began to grow.

Now, in 2015, JingleNews.com has become known by some of the leading jingle and production houses ‘as THE destination for industry news’. News and audio that is posted and shared by us reaches over 250 people a day from the United Kingdom, United States, the Netherlands, Brazil and Belgium to the Central African Republic, Faroe Islands, Somalia, Swaziland and Tonga on desktop, mobile and tablet. And that number is growing!

To celebrate 10 years a new logo, coupled with a new site design, has been designed and launched. Pieces of this has been evident on the Facebook, Twitter and Soundcloud accounts for the last few weeks.

At times it’s been hard to keep the site going due to real jobs, life commitments etc. We are always looking for new people to get on board, give us feedback or just give us a push in some direction.

A big thanks to all the jingle and production companies that have been so kind to provide us with news and audio over the last 10 years and will continue to do so! And A BIG THANK YOU to everyone that visits us day after day to get your jingle fix without you this site would not be here. I wish I could say I have great plans to improve the site, but for the moment I believe it’s going to remain at what we do good at – bringing you all the latest jingle news.

I would love you hear your thoughts on the site so please get in touch. Here’s to the next 10 years!


2 Responses

  1. Neil says:

    Thanks Paul for 10 great years of jinglenews.com and a product well done! I wish you continued success for decades to come.

  2. Robbie says:

    Congrats Paul – I enjoy the site!

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