KIX FX – Pop/Rock production library

When you do imaging for a station that plays rock oriented music, it can be hard to find the right effects and work parts. You don’t want the cheesy stuff. You want it to have a certain edge without being too harsh and you want it to rock and melt with your station’s music.
It’s here! The guys at Sticky FX are taking imaging for pop, rock and alternative formats to another level with KIX FX! A jam packed production tool with over 200 effects that will make your station stand out from the ones still using the boring stuff that’s produced in the same way it has always been done for decades.
Fresh and edgy
KIX FX gives you that original edge. Legendary alternative imager John Frost who created the world famous sound for KROQ Los Angeles in the 80’s and 90’s now runs his own production service Frostbytes and says: “The new KIX FX library is really solid! The Impacts are varied and original, your use of Guitars is refreshing throughout.” Frost uses KIX FX in his production for different stations and his imaging service Frostbytes so he as well as many other imaging directors, has a pretty busy production schedule for each day. And that’s where KIX FX can really help you out says Frost: “The KIX FX Starters, Statics and Separators should be a lifesaver for busy producers! A nice addition for any producer’s arsenal!”
It fits everywhere
Dutch imaging director for KX Radio, Maurice Verschuuren is hooked on the sound of the new KIX FX: “KIX FX helps to bring out the best in me as producer, and it perfectly glues all the musical styles we play in our eclectic format together. KX Radio truly is the only station in the world that plays everything from classic rock and Motown, to modern rock and the hippest dance and singer songwriter sounds of today. People love it! And KIX FX fits in every time and everywhere.”
He explains how KIX FX really helped him out to update the station’s imaging: “To revamp the imaging of KX Radio, I thought it would be great to work with one complete new library and solely use that throughout the entire package. I needed edgy elements without losing musicality and contemporary feel and KIX FX gives the station that edgy and new sound I’m looking for.”
Multi format usability
The new KIX FX package has separate folders for Impacts, Starters, Fx, Beats, Drones, Separators and statics which makes it easy to work with in a wide range of formats. It blends with lots of musical styles from pop to rock and from alternative dance to eclectic. Stew Hererra, Creative Services Director of KLOS in Los Angeles tells: “I’m using the new KIX FX for our Classic Rock format here at KLOS and I’m really digging it!” The station plays a wide variety of classics like U2, Ac/Dc, Pink Floyd, Guns ‘n Roses and Aerosmith and KIX FX fits in just as easy as in the harder alternative formats. Hererra of KLOS continuous: “You’ve got a wide variety of textures and sound design here. It’s all arranged and cataloged in a helpful, logical way, and it certainly cuts through. Love it!”
Whether you’re a Bear, Peak, Edge or Jack. When your station is playing rock music, it’s time to get the new KIX FX. Over 200 fx and work parts for pop, rock and alternative radio!
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