New Sound for UTV Radio UK
UTV Radio in the UK is set to launch a new jingle package across some of their stations on February 14th. The new package was produced in Cyprus, London and Los Angeles in a collaboration between Sandy Beech (Music 4)...
All / Audio / Customs / Station Imaging
by Paul · Published February 12, 2015 · Last modified July 29, 2015
UTV Radio in the UK is set to launch a new jingle package across some of their stations on February 14th. The new package was produced in Cyprus, London and Los Angeles in a collaboration between Sandy Beech (Music 4)...
All / Audio / Customs / Station Imaging
by Paul · Published February 2, 2015 · Last modified February 22, 2015
Spoon Radio launched 2015 with a brand new sound, produced by Wise Buddah Jingles. Designed to keep the balance between Rock and Pop Rock, Spoon Radio returned to Wise Buddah for a host of new big, bright and uplifting themes,...
To help celebrate their 25th year, Switzerland’s Radio Argovia turned to ReelWorld One AC for new sonic imaging. Thanks to the updating jingle service, Argovia now has a fresh sound, a new sonic identity and an ever-growing back catalogue of...
All / Audio / Customs / Station Imaging
by Paul · Published January 12, 2015 · Last modified April 1, 2015
Capital of Media is proud to release another service: The Radio Imaging Library. It’s the first custom online imaging service that covers everything in radio-imaging and updated constantly. Today the service is officially released, but it’s already on air at...
All / Audio / Customs / Station Imaging
by Paul · Published January 8, 2015 · Last modified February 22, 2015
Fresh from the Capital of Media studios and ready to air on your station: BNR Newsradio 2015. On January 5th Holland’s biggest commercial news station, BNR, had the kickoff of their new custom made ‘CHR flavored’ jingle package by Capital...
To celebrate 22 years as Latvia’s CHR powerhouse, Top Radio went to NOVAZ Audio Imaging for a fresh jingle package. Top Radio is a very cool collaboration NOVAZ’s team in Holland and Alex in Russia who is their partner for...
Wise Buddah has produced a host of new themes for Holland’s NPO Radio 2. Six new themes have been produced for The Top 2000, which countdowns the favourite tracks of NPO Radio 2’s 11 million listeners. The tracks are designed...
Radio 10 Christmas jingles – now on the air in the Netherlands!! The package features 10 happy power-pop xmas jingles + top4000 xmas mixes with all possible mix outs plus commercial sounders. Check out their take on Mariah Carey’s All...
BBC Radio 2 has launched a special pair of Christmas IDs to keep listeners warm over the festive season, produced by Wise Buddah Jingles. The Team returned to the legendary Angel Recording Studios in north London and once again called...
All / Audio / Promo / Station Imaging
by Paul · Published December 9, 2014 · Last modified December 7, 2014
Mike Kaminski, aka Michael Clive, was born in Berkeley California and grew up in Nebraska. He is most known for his realistic character voices and celebrity imitations. In school, Mike was undeniably a class clown. He loved to make people...