34 Search results

For the term "Bespoke Music".
IQ’s Capital FM package online

IQ’s Capital FM package online

IQ Beats have finally posted the Capital FM London package on their website. The package went live on Capital FM on March 21st last, and begin airing on Red Dragon FM soon after. They also added resings for other stations...

Prometheus and Box Collaborate on Andover Sound Jingles

Prometheus and Box Collaborate on Andover Sound Jingles

The UK’s newest commercial radio station, Andover Sound, launched Monday (26th May 2008) with a new bespoke jingle package available through Prometheus Radio Consultants. The station which serves 80,000 people in North West Hampshire began broadcasting at 9am with a...

Wise Buddah News – September 2006

Wise Buddah News – September 2006

Following a busy Summer, Wise Buddah Jingles and Music Imaging has produced a number of packages for stations both in the UK and beyond. For the UK, we have just put the final touches on a brand new package for...

Devaweb Christmas Newsletter

Devaweb Christmas Newsletter

Merry Christmas from Devaweb! In this newsletter: * NEW AUDIO FOR NEW COMMUNITY STATIONS * HOSPITAL STATIONS MOVING CHANNELS * WE’VE KINDA RELOCATED! * AND OTHER STUFF NEW AUDIO FOR COMMUNITY STATIONS ================================= There’s a new breed of radio in...