85 Search results

For the term "Capital fm".
Design Changes at Wise Buddah

Design Changes at Wise Buddah

Wise Buddah have relased an updated version of their website in recent weeks. It’s the same WB trademark purple colour but new additions to the site, which will interest jingle lovers, is their their jingle section. They now have high...

S2Blue – December 2005

S2Blue – December 2005

Just in, the latest news from S2Blue in London. 2005 has been a very busy year for us – we’ve produced custom packages for the all 6 stations in the Lincs FM Group, Lite FM & Connect FM, 4 BBC...

Latest from Wise Buddah

Latest from Wise Buddah

Shaping the sound of radio with jingles and station imaging packages, Wise Buddah continues its run as premier producer of jingles and station imaging with six new commissions from local, national and international radio stations. From producing a full station...

The Latest from Steve England

The Latest from Steve England

‘As usual it’s been a busy time – we’ve been producing a number of ID packages for the BBC, Connect and Lite FM plus loads of resings including Capital FM London and Bay Radio. For pictures and videos of the...

 Top Format Updates

 Top Format Updates

Top Format Productions have 3 new demos on their site available for download. These include packages for Beat FM, Neatherlands (resings of Capital FM jingles from Music 4; The Download Top 30 for Noordzee FM (custom) and Saveleradio in Finland,...



Windows users: Press Ctrl+F to search the page. The ‘#’ symbols after some montages link to the post the montage was posted for. 2FM, 1997 – KDWB 1997 and KOA resings from ReelWorld. 2FM, 1998 – Show jingles (Ian Dempsey,...

 New from Top Format

 New from Top Format

Since January 2005, Top Format Productions delivered new station ID packages in Denmark almost every 2 weeks. During this period thirty eight tickets where booked for flying in nineteen native Danish singers and clients from several Danish cities. The singers...

The Imaging Days 2015

The Imaging Days 2019

The only radio imaging festival in the world, The Imaging Days is back. We’re proud to announce that the “New York sensation” and “social media sensation” BROADWAY BILL LEE (WCBS FM) is one of the headliners during The Imaging Days...

TRIL presents the #BIG1200PARTY

Capital of Media are proud to have welcome their 100th station to TRIL – The Radio Imaging Library’s family. TRIL presents the #BIG1200PARTY. Become a new imaging friend of TRIL in May, and you’ll get our imaging update service a...

PURE Jingles

The PURE JingleSong

For the start of 2018, PURE Jingles has released The JingleSong to celebrate radio, featuring inspiring stations from all over the world in 2’55”. Logos of BBC Radio 1, Capital, NRJ, WKTU, Z100, KIIS FM and many more are heard...