85 Search results

For the term "Capital fm".

TRIL V3 – New web platform to reshape future of radio imaging

One of Europe’s leading creative forces, Capital of Media announced the latest upgrade of their TRIL radio imaging platform. ‘TRIL V3’ offers a totally new user experience featuring the industry’s fastest browsing, playing and downloading of radio imaging elements. TRIL...

TRIL: Mid-September 2016 Highlights

TRIL – The Radio Imaging Library is the first crossover imaging package that’s as diverse as today’s radio playlists. TRIL is a music intensive, multi-format imaging package geared towards Modern AC, CHR and Urban radio. Power packed and updated constantly...

Niels Franken joins TRIL as Creative Manager

Capital of Media, one of Europe’s leading radio production companies, announced today that Niels Franken of Radio 538 has joined the production team of TRIL – The Radio Imaging Library. Franken joins TRIL in the newly created role of Creative...


C103 ReelWorld Jingles 2016

Ireland’s C103 is the latest European radio station to choose ReelWorld jingles – the Cork based station going to air with this year’s Star Radio package earlier this month. “C103’s sound needed a complete makeover and the Star Radio jingle...

The Radio Imaging Library

Urban Radio Imaging got a new TRIL

It was Super Tuesday March 1st and The Radio Imaging Library (TRIL) by Capital of Media announced it was expanding its imaging service with a new Urban format. For existing subscribers, all 3 formats CHR, Modern AC and now Urban...

OnTheSly Intros

Metro Radio Beijing OnTheSly INTROS

OnTheSly’s world famous branded song INTROS have landed in Beijing at FM94.5 Metro Radio. The biggest western CHR tracks play across China’s capital city on Metro Radio – and now they’ve branded Metro Radio’s name into the hits to help...


RTL Berlin gets new ReelWorld jingles

Berlin’s number one radio station, 104.6 RTL, continue their partnership with ReelWorld as a new sound lands on air in Germany this month. The jingles come from ReelWorld’s ONE CHR library, as used by KIIS LA and Z100 New York....

The Imaging Days 2015

Matt Fisher confirmed for The Imaging Days 2015

BBC Radio 1’s Station Imaging Producer, Matt Fisher, is confirmed for The Imaging Days 2015. He’s doing a seminar about ‘campaign evolution’ at the event, that will be organized this year of the 5th and 6th of October in Haarlem...

The Imaging Days 2015

Dom Nero confirmed for The Imaging Days 2015

He’s been holding down the imaging gig at Hot 97 in New York City for the last 10 years and now he has been confirmed for The Imaging Days 2015: Dom Nero! Although having been at Hot 97 in New...