114 Search results

For the term "IQ Beats".
The Imaging Days 2015

John Frost confirmed for The Imaging Days 2015

We’re proud to announce that John Frost is confirmed for The Imaging Days 2015. He’s gonna do a seminar about copywriting, producing and timing. John Frost is one of the biggest radio imaging influences in the world, breaking the mould...


New Sound for UTV Radio UK

UTV Radio in the UK is set to launch a new jingle package across some of their stations on February 14th. The new package was produced in Cyprus, London and Los Angeles in a collaboration between Sandy Beech (Music 4)...

JingleNews – Montage 2

JingleNews – Montage 2

In an effort to remember jingles of the past aswell as today we’re going to be putting together jingle montages consisting of 5 minutes of random jingles from a range of producers. Have a listen to Montage 2 below. WYCD,...

New Jingle Company BreezeBox Imaging Launches

New Jingle Company BreezeBox Imaging Launches

In a world of today’s radio where PDs are looking for the best way to mix and match different formats in order to reach wides possible audience, BreezeBox has decided to offer “Jingle Prime 2011 Hot AC/CHR” Syndicated Package, a...

Brandy jingles for Metropolys

Brandy jingles for Metropolys

The number 1 independent radio in the north of France confirms its confidence in Brandy. Metropolys chose the sought after The Kick package as the basis for an imaging update. In order to maintain coherence with the existing MetroHits package,...

SOB Latest Packages

SOB Latest Packages

SOB have added a lot of new packages to their site this week. Listen! ABC 2008 was created for legendary Danish CHR station Radio ABC in Randers. Kim Nielsen, Radio ABC’s imaging producer, insisted that we made something different. Something...

Brandy’s Newest Packages

Brandy’s Newest Packages

Brandy presents 3 new custom jingle packages. Class One. A unique way to brand a unique format. A recognizable sonic logo, live instruments and groovy sounds come together in a range of atmospheres that’s endlessly expandable. For radio stations that...

Week 1 Winners

Week 1 Winners

We had a good start to the first week of the competition. Up for grabs we had a personal cut from LITEhouse and the latest S2blue showreel for collectors/individuals. And for radio stations we have a 50% voucher off a...

JingleNews.com Summer Giveaway 2008

JingleNews.com Summer Giveaway 2008

Here are some more details on the competition that will be running here over July and August at JingleNews. Some prizes confirmed so far.. for collections/individuals: Jones TM A free personal cut for non-broadcast usage from either Kingdom FM, New...

Radio 107.5 and Vinyl 107

Radio 107.5 and Vinyl 107

Music & Images worked with IQBeats recently to bring new jingles to two new station in Europe. Radio 107.5 is THE Dance station of Stockholm and Vinyl 107 is Stockholm’s only oldies radio station boasting the best music from the...