37 Search results

For the term "My Only Radio".
Ignite Jingles

Ignite Jingles lands in Denmark!

Ignite Jingles has taken the Real Radio package worldwide, starting with Radio Viborg in Denmark. Chris and the Ignite Team worked closely with Radio Viborg’s Jesper Aagaard. Jesper leads the music and imaging team at Radio Viborg. The vocals were...

JAM Celebrates 40 Years

JAM Celebrates 40 Years

November 22, 2014 marked the 40th anniversary of JAM Creative Productions, Inc. JAM has specialized in making ID jingles for radio stations since its inception, and has operated under its original name, ownership and creative direction longer than any other...

The Imaging Days – More names, more imaging

The Imaging Days – More names, more imaging

Moments after its announcement, The Imaging Days 2014 became the most talked about event in the radio-imaging world. Today we are happy to announce additional names of speakers that will join us on September 8th and 9th, 2014. 
 UK Imaging...

Hit West, Cristal and the French Spirit of Sharing

Hit West, Cristal and the French Spirit of Sharing

For radio stations that like a custom-sounding jingle package but really only want to spend the money on a re-sing, the PURE JingleBox is a cool alternative. Two regional stations in France even went a step further in making their...

Quicker Lines for Trying Times

Quicker Lines for Trying Times

We have come a long way in respect to broadcasting. A major part of the radio world, and the sole bread earner is advertising. Times were much simpler when radio began. Back in August of 1922 the first paid commercial...

Most Effective Length for a Sweeper

Most Effective Length for a Sweeper

Clients always want value for their money. And more often than not producers/VO guys face tremendous challenges from radio stations who want to fit in as much information on a 30-second radio commercial,promo or a 10-second sweeper. Enda Caldwell, our...

What’s The Most Effective Length for a Sweeper

What’s The Most Effective Length for a Sweeper

Clients always want value for their money. And more often than not producers/VO guys face tremendous challenges from radio stations who want to fit in as much information on a 30-second radio commercial,promo or a 10-second sweeper. Enda Caldwell, our...

A Tribute to Tom Merriman, Dallas’ Own Music Man

A Tribute to Tom Merriman, Dallas’ Own Music Man

On September 13th, singers, musicians, recording industry executives, family, and friends from around the world will gather to celebrate the iconic life of Tom Merriman, a longtime Dallas resident who helped create and shape the entire jingle and music production...

Increase Ad Spending With Rising Oil Prices

Increase Ad Spending With Rising Oil Prices

Turn on your TV, radio, or pick up a newspaper and pay attention for five minutes. In that time you should come across at least one story about sky-rocketing oil prices. For some companies rising gas prices can be beneficial...