37 Search results

For the term "My Only Radio".
How’s Your Station Imaging Sounding

How’s Your Station Imaging Sounding

How’s your station imaging sounding? The liners, the jingles and whatever else you use to move between songs… Would you describe them as “functional” or “incredible?” Wherever imaging lies on your list of priorities, it can be really useful to...

The Truth About Jingles

The Truth About Jingles

Every business wants it, but few know how to get it. I’m talking about instant recognition. The kind you get when you hear a slogan, some piece of music or even see a logo that brings a specific business to...

Ken R to Retire from Jingles

Ken R to Retire from Jingles

February 1, 2005 Maumee, Ohio: Even though our CD/mail order business of selling classic jingles is still going strong, I will be closing it this spring, perhaps as early as May. My wife and I have wanted to move to...