186 Search results

For the term "ReelWorld ONE AC".

ReelWorld to Milan, Brussels and beyond!

As the ReelWorld team gather in Milan for the Radiodays Europe conference they’re also celebrating their latest custom jingle package which has just gone to air on Belgium’s number one radio station, Radio 2. Radio 2 is operated by Flemish...

ReelWorld Radio Academy

ReelWorld take 30 Under 30 to Italy

ReelWorld, the MediaCityUK based radio jingle and imaging company, is taking The ReelWorld Radio Academy 30 Under 30 initiative to the Radiodays conference in Milan. This follows last month’s announcement that the 30 Under 30 will continue in 2015 under...


Swiss Radio taps into ReelWorld ONE

To help celebrate their 25th year, Switzerland’s Radio Argovia turned to ReelWorld One AC for new sonic imaging. Thanks to the updating jingle service, Argovia now has a fresh sound, a new sonic identity and an ever-growing back catalogue of...

Cadena 100 reveal new sound from ReelWorld

Cadena 100 reveal new sound from ReelWorld

So far, 2014 has been very busy for ReelWorld in Europe who launched new jingles on the UK’s biggest commercial radio station Heart last month and are currently creating a new sound for Belgium’s most listened to radio station, Radio...

Hola Spain! ReelWorld jingles land on Los 40

Hola Spain! ReelWorld jingles land on Los 40

Spain’s numero uno music station, Los 40 Principales, has gone to air this month with a brand new sound from ReelWorld recorded at ReelWorld’s European HQ at MediaCityUK near Manchester. Earlier in the week, ReelWorld unveiled a new package for...


ReelWorld Give It Some Heart

The UK’s number one commercial radio station, Heart, has got a brand new on air sound from ReelWorld. As part of the partnership ReelWorld have created a new sonic logo for the network of 21 stations across the UK. The...

Rouge FM seduced by ReelWorld

Rouge FM seduced by ReelWorld

Rouge FM in Switzerland is the latest station to choose ReelWorld’s ONE updating jingle service to take its sound to the next level. The Lausanne based station has signed up for the service which delivers a huge starter kit of...

47FM make the switch to ReelWorld Europe

47FM make the switch to ReelWorld Europe

France’s 47FM is the latest station to choose the ReelWorld ONE updating jingle service for its on air sound. The unique service gives stations a choice of hundreds of jingles upfront as well as new cuts every month. Alternatively, programmers...

Kiss UK power to Gold with ReelWorld

Kiss UK power to Gold with ReelWorld

Kiss, the UK radio brand that reaches over 4.5 million listeners every week, has just taken the Production Gold at the Radio Academy Awards, the UK radio equivalent of the Oscars. Their production team is supported by regular updates from...