327 Search results

For the term "ReelWorld".

Radio Nova’s new ReelWorld jingles Rock

Dublin’s rock radio station Radio Nova have launched new jingles this month from ReelWorld. ReelWorld, the world’s leading provider of jingles and imaging, composed the themes at their HQ in Seattle for a package which is being aired on the...


Nova Air ReelWorld Down Under

Australia’s Nova Network has recently launched a refresh of the Nova radio brand which includes a new jingle package from ReelWorld. The new sound is on air now across Australia and includes Top of Hour and Out of Break jingles...


Radio Scoop evolve with ReelWorld

This month France’s Radio Scoop has begun airing another fix of ReelWorld custom jingles to help refresh the station sound for 2017. It’s the fourth year in row that Scoop have come to ReelWorld for new branding and the strong...


ReelWorld Breeze into 2017

For the fifth year in a row The Breeze Network in the UK has come to ReelWorld for new radio jingles. Their 2017 update is a re-sing of ReelWorld’s recent package for Norway’s biggest radio station NRK P1 and takes...


Radio 2 Belgium continue ReelWorld partnership

Five new custom jingle themes landed on Belgium’s biggest radio station, Radio 2, earlier this month from ReelWorld. The original compositions cover varied musical styles and add colour and depth to their 2015 jingle package. “It was a pleasure working...

ReelWorld make the impossible happen for Sky Radio

Sky Radio Estonia is the latest European station to get a new sound from ReelWorld. This month the station begins airing ReelWorld’s bigFM jingle package alongside a bespoke set of sweepers, ID’s and news sequences produced especially for the Tallinn...


Donau 3 FM takes L.A. inspiration from ReelWorld

Los Angeles may be famous for being the home of Hollywood but it also does well when it comes to making great radio. And it’s L.A. that Ulm based broadcaster, Donau 3 FM, has looked toward for their new ReelWorld...

Bayern 3 partner with ReelWorld for new sound

Germany’s Bayern 3 has launched a new custom jingle package composed and produced by ReelWorld as part of a station wide refresh. Bayern 3, operated by the Bavarian State broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk, recently launched a new daytime line up and...


Spree Radio gets Star treatment from ReelWorld

Berlin’s Spree Radio have refreshed their on air brand sound with a new jingle package from ReelWorld. The German station chose this year’s Star Radio package to complement their ’50/50 mix’ of all-time favourites and latest hits. Broadcasting in Berlin...