122 Search results

For the term "brandy".

Canal 3 go all the way with Brandy

A resing package that sounds like it was custom-made: that’s how the new imaging for Canal 3 in Switzerland has been received. BRANDY adapted 15 cuts from the Joe packages for the German-language private channel and also produced beds for...

Smack Trax Vol. 3 from Brandy

BRANDY Jingles has added 5 new cuts to the SMACK TRAX series, ajingle family for urban flavored Hot AC. The style and feel of the jingles are greatly inspired by contemporary European hits. MNM, the Belgian public broadcaster’s youth station,...

Brandy Provides Contact FM more ‘Grand Hits’

For this year’s ‘rentrée’, Contact FM, the largest independent radio station in northern France, not only launched a new morning show, the station enhanced its imaging with 10 new cuts. The new jingles are an extension of Brandy’s GrandHits series,...

Brandy Summer Imaging for JOE

Right on time for summer, Brandy Jingles has created custom summer branding for the popular national commercial radio station JOE in Belgium. The jingles give you an instant summer feeling: a perfect fit for the upbeat hits from the past...

Brandy 2017 Showreel

At Brandy, they don’t believe in a signature sound, but signature values. Every package is custom-designed to integrate seamlessly with your brand, with production quality to match the music you play. Brandy believe you should sound unique, with music imaging...

Brandy Jingles with WOW! Factor

WOW! 97.1 is a French-language radio station targeting a mostly female audience between the ages of 30 and 49, Brandy Jingles were tasked with the restyling for the station in 2017. It’s part of RNC Media, a Canadian media group...

Bayern 1 chooses sound design from Brandy

Adult, positive and with a nod to contemporary production values. That’s how the new Bayern 1 styling sounds. AC jingles that reflect the sounds of the hits from the past decades – without sounding like sound-alikes. target=”_blank”>BRANDY composed and produced...

Brandy Jingles all the way

Love it or hate it, but Santa Clause is coming to town! Here’s the sound of contemporary Xmas imaging from Brandy for AC and Hot AC stations. Joe – AC Q Music – Hot AC

Brandy Goes Classic for Musiq’3

A grand symphonic orchestra featuring 80 musicians performing beautiful classical music in one of Belgium’s most stunning concert halls. That’s the summary of one of the most remarkable radio imaging projects of 2016. The sonic rebrand of Musiq’3 was not...