228 Search results

For the term "montage".
JingleNews – Montage 2

JingleNews – Montage 2

In an effort to remember jingles of the past aswell as today we’re going to be putting together jingle montages consisting of 5 minutes of random jingles from a range of producers. Have a listen to Montage 2 below. WYCD,...

JingleNews – Montage 1

JingleNews – Montage 1

In an effort to remember jingles of the past aswell as today we’re going to be putting together jingle montages consisting of 5 minutes of random jingles from a range of producers. To kick things off, here’s Montage 1! Let...

The 2009 M-Edge Jingle Montage

The 2009 M-Edge Jingle Montage

From Tony and the staff, M-Edge Productions is wishing you health and happiness this Holiday Season, and prosperity in the New Year. Merry Christmas! All the best to you, your family, and your organization. M-Edge Productions has fast becoming the...



Listen to new jingle package demos, resings and off air montages from different radio jingle production companies in the world. Jingle packages are in a variety of formats – from AC to CHR, from Country to Newstalk. The most cutting-edge...

America 2006 Montage

America 2006 Montage

I’m just back from my 3 weeks over the US and here’s a big montage of imaging from stations in mainly New Mexico, Texas and in Boston/MA. There’s other bits I managed to capture while flying. http://www.paulmcgrath.info/jingles/montages/america_06.mp3 Some stations included;...

Jingle Montages

Jingle Montages

It’s quiet in Jingle-World these days, so enjoy these montages I’ve created – 1) Montage 31 2) Montage 30 3) Montage 29 4) Montage 28 Feedback appreciated…

More Montages

More Montages

I’ve just uploaded some new montages to the montages page. Channel 4, RTE 2FM, WNKT, The Pulse and more added not forgetting a montage of ReelWorld beatmixes created for Z100 and Country County 96. And, coming soon – the JingleNews.com...

Montages Updated

Montages Updated

The montages page has been updated and now hosts montages of jingle packages from Hallam FM, Tay AM, Minster FM, WKTI, KGRS, WAPE, Cool FM, Radio London Big L, Northsound 1, The Revolution, WODS and more. Check out the montages...