228 Search results

For the term "montage".
Ignite Jingles

Radio Essex 2015 Jingles

On March 23 2015, Chelmsford Radio and Southend Radio combined with their digital counterparts to create a brand new county-wide service, operating under Radio Essex. Ignite Jingles were chosen to produce the jingle package! The Radio Essex 2015 is a...

The Breeze

Breeze’n back for more

The Breeze (part of Celador Entertainment) have a mammoth collection of ReelWorld jingles in rotation across their UK radio network with the addition of new themes for 2015. They’ve been a ReelWorld customer since 2013 and are constantly adding to...

Tune Republic

The Best of Tune Republic

Tune Republic, an audio production house, based in Perpignan (France) are proud to showcase their ‘Best of’ montage. It features some of their great jingles from 2014 and so far in 2015 for stations in Portugal, Guinea, Morocco and France....

10 Years Old – Happy Birthday To Us!

In January 2005 JingleNews.com was born. The site was initially going to be a repository for current jingle montages and station imaging. Updates were slow and far between but there was enough interest from jingle enthusiasts, and jingle companies, for...

Capital of Media

News Radio Imaging with CHR Flavour for BNR

Fresh from the Capital of Media studios and ready to air on your station: BNR Newsradio 2015. On January 5th Holland’s biggest commercial news station, BNR, had the kickoff of their new custom made ‘CHR flavored’ jingle package by Capital...

Radio 538 on air with The Radio Imaging Library

Radio 538 on air with The Radio Imaging Library

The Radio Imaging Library (TRIL) is on air now on Hollands number one hit music station Radio 538! We’re proud! And imaging producer Niels Franken is happy with the first online custom FX-library: “The Radio Imaging Library is very easy...

ReelWorld Around the World

ReelWorld Around the World

The guys at aircheckdownloads.com put this 25 minute sampler of some ReelWorld clients together. Listen to the brilliant resings for The Breeze (UK), WPLJ (95.5 PLJ) take on Kiss Boston ’06, the popularity of the KVIL ’13 package, that Triple...

Mix FM Lebanon pick Ignite Kiss

Mix FM Lebanon pick Ignite Kiss

Ignite Jingles can now be heard on the air in the Middle East, with their Ignite Kiss package now being broadcast on Mix FM in Beirut, Lebanon. The station took the full package, along with an extra cut for their...

Red FM Upgrade ReelWorld Sound

Red FM Upgrade ReelWorld Sound

Ireland’s Red FM freshened up their on air sound this week with a new jingle package hand picked from ReelWorld’s ONE CHR library. The Cork based station, which reaches 125,000 adults across Cork County every week, selected the jingles from...