62 Search results

For the term "nab".
Ron Chapman Endorses Metroplex

Ron Chapman Endorses Metroplex

TM Studios’ Metroplex jingle package is now called “Ron Chapman’s Metroplex”… named after and endorsed by the legendary broadcaster, Ron Chapman, who’s airing the package in Dallas Fortworth on Platinum 96.7. Ron Chapman’s been using TM jingles for a good...

Ron Chapman Plays JAM Jingles on KVIL

Ron Chapman Plays JAM Jingles on KVIL

The jingle community continues to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of JAM Creative Productions in Dallas. Looking back, the company released a feature article about its “35 years of making jingles for the world”. JAM has written and produced more station...

S2blue Imaging Creates Custom Package For Manx Radio Re-Brand

S2blue Imaging Creates Custom Package For Manx Radio Re-Brand

S2blue Imaging are pleased to announce they have created a new custom imaging package for Manx Radio as part of their re-band. The new audio identity was designed to build on the last set of imaging jingles produced by S2blue...

JAM at 35

JAM at 35

Dallas – November 2009 marks the 35th anniversary of JAM Creative Productions, Inc. JAM has specialized in making ID jingles for radio stations and music for advertising since its inception, and has operated under its original name and ownership longer...

Jingle Jungle 3 from Brandy

Jingle Jungle 3 from Brandy

This year… we won’t meet in Athens. No European NAB Conference, no interesting contacts and no illuminating showcases. But, we don’t want to deny you the new Brandy showreel 2009! European radio professionals don’t get the opportunity very often to...

Paid Access Now Available on Newsbeds.com

Paid Access Now Available on Newsbeds.com

Newsbeds are please to announce a brand new service called Paid Access. It’s a simple and efficient way to gain access to the complete collection of beds and themes at a very low cost. Paid Access was developed to satisfy...

Hooks by Steve Sykes Hits Country Stations

Hooks by Steve Sykes Hits Country Stations

[ad#200×200] Hot and kicking “Hooks Country by Steve Sykes” is now loud and proud airing on 92.5 XTU Philly and WUBL Atlanta. After its successful launch, Steve Sykes, the brain behind, created a new version of the service in March...

SunTalk – The Home of Free Speech

SunTalk – The Home of Free Speech

April 20th saw the launch of SunTalk, the new online radio show hosted by Jon Gaunt every morning for three hours between 10am and 1pm. SunTalk is part of News International’s bid to expand the audio and video content across...

Quicker Lines for Trying Times

Quicker Lines for Trying Times

We have come a long way in respect to broadcasting. A major part of the radio world, and the sole bread earner is advertising. Times were much simpler when radio began. Back in August of 1922 the first paid commercial...

No Cookie-Cutter Radio Imaging

No Cookie-Cutter Radio Imaging

Radio Imaging Works is proud to announce that Country QWIPS are now on the air on KYGO FM, WSOC, and FM 106.1 WMIL. QWIPS or Quick Written Imaging Positioners are not on your usual cookie-cutter sweeper service. They are customized...