1168 Search results

For the term "news".
Twin Hit Packages from LCR Jingles

Twin Hit Packages from LCR Jingles

Italy. Radio Kemonia choosed LCR Entry Package and RCS wanted a new summer jingle. Radio Kemonia, a web radio station, called LCR Jingles to re-launch its sound imaging with LCR Entry Package. Claudio, the director said: “The result is fantastic....

NRJ France’s new Power Intros

NRJ France’s new Power Intros

Alongside of the big jingle package PURE Jingles recently produced for NRJ France, NRJ also asked for custom made Power Intros. Every month NRJ hits the air with 5 new customized intros to the biggest songs on their playlist. In...

Radio 3 Denmark by DK Sound

Radio 3 Denmark by DK Sound

DK Sound has just finished a complete audio make-over of their 2010 package for Radio 3 in Denmark. In 2011 Radio 3 decided to spice up the play list, and in order to better match the new sounds, DK Sound...

Milk and Honey 2 for Radio Lattemiele

Milk and Honey 2 for Radio Lattemiele

Milk and Honey 2. Once again, Lattemiele, the well know Italian Radio Network chose Jingles Factory for their new 2011 jingles. After the big success of the first package.  One more time – lovely jingles in many styles: pop, disco,...

TM Custom for Nation Radio Wales

TM Custom for Nation Radio Wales

Nation Radio (launched on 16 June 2008) is a regional radio station broadcasting to the South Wales area from Neath. The station plays a mix of new and classic rock during the day. Daily programmes featuring new local music and...

US 101’S ChattaNugrass From TM Studios

US 101’S ChattaNugrass From TM Studios

“Honest and genuine … its an awesome package from guys who really get country radio.” – Gator Harrison, Program Director, US-101 Created for award winning US-101 in Chattanooga, ChattaNugrass is the next step for country music. The package is full...

RTL III from IQ Beats

RTL III from IQ Beats

104.6 RTL Berlin have just begun airing a new jingle packge consisting of 12 music themes and legal ID from IQ Beats. Check out the package in the CHR section of iqbeats.com. IQ Beats made some radio jingle magic with...

Cork’s 96fm choose BRMB jingles

Cork’s 96fm choose BRMB jingles

On May 5th 2011 Cork’s 96FM in Ireland updated their station sound with a resing of Wise Buddah’s BRMB 2010 package. “Our new jingle package from Wise Buddah has transformed the sound of Corks 96fm! It brings us bang up...