1168 Search results

For the term "news".
Brandy’s Mix N Match for MNM

Brandy’s Mix N Match for MNM

BRANDY’S Mix N Match “a DJ’s playground full of attractive radio jingles” Mix N Match is Brandy’s newest jingle package for Hot AC formats. It was created for MNM, the Belgian public broadcaster’s hit radio, after an international competition. Mix...

One Cut, One Hundred

One Cut, One Hundred

Promo: Jingles Factory is offering 1 cut radio jingle for only 100 Euros. “Attention…attention…..only for webstation!!…….This month save your money refresching your jingles!! we will resing all of our jingle packages for only 100 Euros per cut. Choose your favorite...

DK Sound Takes Off

DK Sound Takes Off

Every jingle package that comes out there is perfect. We can understand the commitment and dedication that each jingle company pours in for every project. And so Paul and I, here at JingleNews.com, are always delighted to meet new people...

96.9 Viking FM by Pure Tonic

96.9 Viking FM by Pure Tonic

Listen to Pure Tonic’s February 2011 Highlights, showcasing new imaging for 96.9 Viking FM, 102.7 KIIS FM Los Angeles, KISS London, Clyde1, 98FM, and St. Patrick’s Day imaging. Also check out new radio beds available at www.puretonic.com Demo:

RM CENTRO choose LCRJingles

RM CENTRO choose LCRJingles

The LCR Entry Package has now been re-sung for a number of radio markets around Europe. The latest station is RM Centro. The package will go on air on April, 2011 and consisted of 10 jingles with ramps, slogans and...

Maximum Q by Brandy

Maximum Q by Brandy

Q-music, one of Europe’s strongest radio brands for years, has gotten a complete on air makeover. Brandy – the branding company consulted and created this restyling. The jingle package consists of 36 basic cuts and took 3 months of work,...

Sky FM London 2011

Sky FM London 2011

Jingles Factory presents the 2011 Smooth Jazz Bossa Nova package for Sky FM. The package was specifically created for the Jimi King show. Log on to www.jinglesfactory.com for more details of this package. Demo Jingles Factory is also happy to...

NRJ France 2011 from PURE Jingles

NRJ France 2011 from PURE Jingles

Legendary hit radio NRJ in France kicked off a major branding relaunch with new custom IDs, produced by PURE Jingles. For the third time, France’s #1 music station approached PURE Jingles to help them come up with a fresh station...

Penny FM – Italy from SOB

Penny FM – Italy from SOB

Penny FM is a station in Italy that runs a typical AC format. There’s a morning show, there’s a pretty tight playlist, it has a very broad target audience and it reaches almost 500.000 listeners a week. So far, nothing...

Last Audioreel From LCR Jingles

Last Audioreel From LCR Jingles

LCR Jingles, from Italy, announces its new offering for internet and FM radio stations. Alessandro of LCRJingles.com says, Now we are producing re-sing packages for some Fm Radio and internet station. Try our services at low prices but in high...