1168 Search results

For the term "news".
Jingles Factory The Best of Xmas

Jingles Factory The Best of Xmas

Milan, Italy. It’s almost Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year, there’s the snow, the joy, the music and the jingles all around. Better….much better if the jingles are made by JF. From Jingles Factory, from Milan to the...

JAM FM Produces Custom In-House Jingle Package

JAM FM Produces Custom In-House Jingle Package

93.6 JAM FM Berlin (Berlin’s youth station for Urban & Dance) has kicked off its relaunch with an entirely new jingle package. The package consists of 9 custom cuts, custom service elements such as news, traffic and weather, as well...

ASAP Studio Goes International

ASAP Studio Goes International

ASAP Studio OG is a company located in Austria, which operates internationally. Specialized in audio and music production, in store media and corporate design, ASAP team includes skilled professionals, who follow the latest technology trends and deliver unique and effective...

Virgin Radio 3.0 Is Out Now

Virgin Radio 3.0 Is Out Now

Richard Branson is probably one of the most visionary entrepreneurs of this time. He has built an empire that includes railway companies, an atlantic airline and is currently planning to launch flights into space! But when he started, he started...

Pure Tonic Media October 2010 Highlights

Pure Tonic Media October 2010 Highlights

Pure Tonic Media are proud to present their October 2010 highlight reel. Audio featured from Kiss 100 UK, Radio 1 UK, KIIS FM LA (Production Vault) Spin 1038 Dublin, Flow 93.5 Toronto and 98FM Dublin. Pure Tonic Media October 2010...

It’s time to start CREATING again…

It’s time to start CREATING again…

In a world of shrinking budgets, job cuts, multi-tasking dilemmas and, generally, a changing radio business, we feel it’s our obligation to remind you why you got into radio production in the first place. The main question: do you want...

Studios Peak and NRJ Canada Partnership continues

Studios Peak and NRJ Canada Partnership continues

NJR Canada continues its partnership with the Studios Peak Production Team. This time Studios Peak’s mandate was to create 5show themes and a news theme. For Gatineau-Ottawa NRJ 104.1, brand new elements were customized for the morning show ‘Le Snooze’...

Vibration Shakes Up Central France!

Vibration Shakes Up Central France!

In a diversifying media world, where radio has to compete with television, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, smart phones, etc. you wouldn’t have trouble imagining the pressure on stations based in one of Europe’s most hard-core media markets… France.  And one station,...

Underground, The Satisfaction of the Renewal!

Underground, The Satisfaction of the Renewal!

At Underground, it is with brio and enthusiasm that we constantly push the limit of creation in order to unceasingly take up new challenges. Underground is proud to renew, for a second consecutive year, the radio imaging of the 96,9...