394 Search results

For the term "radio mix".

Radio Veronica launches new sound from ReelWorld

The iconic Dutch broadcaster Radio Veronica, once one of the original pirate radio stations, has launched a new custom jingle package created by the team at ReelWorld. The pop-rock radio station recently went through a series of changes to both...

wisebuddah 2016

Yorkshire Coast Radio debut Wisebuddah AC+ Updates

UKRD’s Yorkshire Coast Radio has become the first station to launch the new updates from AC+, Wisebuddah’s AC service. Comprising a host of new IDs and a fresh new Information Elements suite, the updates transition the sound of AC+ into...

Sonic Spring

Grand Prix Radio from Sonic Spring

Grand Prix Radio is one of the biggest online radio stations in Europe. Now, they have new jingles from Sonic Spring. These jingles come with Basic ID’s, Shotguns, Multiple mix outs, News and Traffic

Iceland’s Dutch Radio Jingles

Fairy-like landscapes, steamy hot springs and the cutest population of little puffins. The impressive island state of Iceland really has it all! The Dutch Sound & Jingle creators, Top Format, experienced it all, during the native Icelandic jingle production in...


Radio Scoop evolve with ReelWorld

This month France’s Radio Scoop has begun airing another fix of ReelWorld custom jingles to help refresh the station sound for 2017. It’s the fourth year in row that Scoop have come to ReelWorld for new branding and the strong...

Your Music, Your Radio Jingles For You

Marco, Station Manager, at For You choose the Revolution jingle package from LCR Jingles The slogan on For You is ‘Your Music, Your Radio’. The Package contains 10 different themes. “Grazie per i jingles sono una bomba!” – Marco. Listen...

Top Format

Wout2Day jingles KRO-NCRV, NPO Radio 2

Wout2Day is the afternoon show of KRO-NCRV, every week day on the national public broadcaster NPO Radio 2. Wout2Day smoothly guides you from a long day at the office to the happiest drive back home. During drive time Wouter updates...

Sonic Spring

Radio NL from Sonic Spring

For people who love Dutch music made in Holland, there’s Radio NL. The most listened to station in the popular schlager / entertainer music genre. Sonic Spring produced a custom package reflecting the music from their playlist, without sounding dull...